Early access is now open! / IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles
Early access is now open!

Early access is now open for Premium Edition owners! It's hard to tell how great this day is for the project and how excited we are about it. We have successfully reached this long-awaited milestone on the path of creating our new flight sim! Everyone who has pre-ordered or purchased the Premium Edition with early access has been invited to become the first virtual pilots in Battle of Stalingrad.

The game is still at an early stage of development as we are in the middle of completing the next generation product of the legendary IL-2 Sturmovik flight sim series. Now that this important first step has been made we're excitedly waiting for your feedback and comments. We're eager to know how successful this 11 months of hard work will be.

In the past few days your profiles at il2sturmovik.com have been updated and game download links have been added. And now Premium edition owners can login to the game and finally embrace the frosty skies of IL2:BOS!

All early access details as well as discussion threads are waiting for you HERE