Dev blog #91 / IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles
Dev blog #91
Dev blog #91

Today's dev blog is a bit late but, hopefully, it doesn't make it less interesting.

Of course, the team is working real hard at the next update, version 1.011 which is going to feature the long-awaited Ju 52. Tante Ju will become the first AI-only aircraft in the project.

Another pleasant news that I'm about to share with you are related to the creative work of one of BOS enthusiasts (and our collegue already) - Zeus. Yes, I'm talking about the Velikie Luki map, 165 x 100 km size. This April (that's when v.1.011 is going to be published) the map will become available to all Battle of Stalingrad pilot for free.

Velikie Luki2.jpg


The up-coming update will bring a lot of fixes and improvements, however it's too early to talk about specifics. Still, I believe the change log will be traditionally impressive. Keep in touch! News about BOM are coming up too...

Enjoy the weekend!