Dev blog #97 / IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles
Dev blog #97
Dev blog #97

After a three week break our developer blog is back, dear pilots! Fresh BOM content is regularly added to the project at this stage, which means that we'll have a lot of nice images to share with you in the up-coming weeks.

This time we've prepared a pack of fresh screenshots with I-16 type 24 that were made in the game. In 6-8 weeks the plane will be available to everyone who's already pre-ordered Battle of Moscow on our site.

Each and every day is getting us closer to the Early access program of BOM. The time has come to decide what camo patterns each plane gets (in total at least 100 skins will be released, 10 per aircraft). Last year's cooperation with players turned out to be fruitfull, so we'd like to invite you to join us in selecting those skins for planes in Battle of Moscow. Your knowledge can actually help us to choose better content for the game.

The forum section where all suggestions are gathered can be found here: http://forum...skins...-battle-moscow/