News / IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles
Dev blog #364 We would like to let you know that the development of Flying Circus Vol.IV is nearing its end. All of its planes will be released simultaneously in one big update that will be released soon - it is currently in the beta testing phase.
New Project Revealed!

Please visit the new project website - in addition to a lot of screenshots, its first DD is already published!

Update 5.204 We're glad to present you with another update of the sim - 5.204. It brings the new Collector Plane, the very late war Ta 152 H-1, new Jet Airfield Cover mission type, and a fix for supporting up to 128 buttons per controller.
Dev blog #363 Today we'd like to start this dev blog in an unusual way - with a retrospective. Over the years of work on IL-2 Great Battles we have created many aircraft, and for each of them we could write a whole article about how we searched for information, solved contradictions in documentation and drawings, built a visual model and designed a physical model and FM. But sometimes you can just show it - as they say, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.
Dev blog #362 Today we would like to show you the first screenshots of the new map under development - Odessa.